Journal of Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering (ANM) is published quarterly by Yazd University, Iran. The ANM journal is in the broad area of mining engineering and related disciplines. 


The manuscript types are: Research Article, Review Article, Technical Note


The articles of ANN journal are published in Persian and English language. The ANM journal is indexed in ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Center) with a remarkable impact factor.


Average time period for initial review of received articles: 5 days


Average reviewing time: 3 months


Publication license and copyright: ANM is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


Open Access Policy: This publication is licensed to Yazd University; Fully complies with the open access release requirements under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Copyright will be reserved for the authors and they can archive their articles. This means that these articles can be easily used; As long as it is properly cited.


Copyright Laws: Under the Open Access License, authors retain copyright ownership for their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy their content, provided That the original authors and sources are correctly mentioned.


The ANM journal is an Open Access journal. This journal doesn't have any article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges. The electronic copy of the journal articles is available at:


Publication ethics: "Analytical and Numerical Methods in Mining Engineering" publication respects the rules of ethics in publications and is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works.

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Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 39, July 2024, Pages 1-79 

Research Article

Investigating the effects of porosity on the strength and mechanical behaviors of geo-materials’ specimens

Pages 1-12


Abolfazl Dalirnasab; Mohammad Fatehi Marji; Hamid Reza Nejati; Mohsen Mohebbi