Crack Growth in Porous Media Using XFEM: Comparison of Modeling Strategies on the Abaqus

Document Type : Research Article


1 Dept. of Mining, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Dept. of Materials, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran



The recent developments in the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) opened new avenues for crack propagation problems. However, its ability to predict the crack path in the micro-scale medium of real porous rock is questionable. In this work, we compare two strategies and introduce one as the best strategy to use the XFEM for such a purpose in Abaqus Software. We demonstrate our claim by comparing numerical results with the analytical solution and experimental test.
Crack growth has always been one of the major challenges in rock mechanics. Although pores, joints, and fractures are the most critical structures controlling cracks initiation and propagation, their spatial distribution and geometrical effects are not still well-understood. In this study, we aim to numerically model the crack growth in real porous rock.
Methodology and Approaches
We use the extended finite element method (XFEM), which has recently attracted more attention due to its ability to estimate the discontinuous deformation field by using special shape functions. Since direct use of the XFEM does not lead to an accurate result, two different strategies are considered for applying the XFEM on a porous model to simulate the crack propagation.
Results and Conclusions
Our results showed that applying several different partitions and enrich them individually lead to more logical results than to allocate reduced elastic modulus to porosity. We used this strategy to evaluate the XFEM both analytically and experimentally as a possible numerical solution. Thus, two simple models were constructed, both numerically and experimentally (Granite): i. a sample with one void and one crack, and ii. a sample with two voids and one crack between them. Analytical solutions for the stress intensity factor revealed that the XFEM modeling can compute this parameter with an error of less than 5%. On the other hand, experimental results showed that the XFEM with partitioning strategy can predict the correct crack growth path comparative to the experimental results. Accordingly, digital images of Berea sandstone were used as a real reservoir rock and, then, this method was implemented to simulate multi-crack propagation through the exact medium of rock.


Main Subjects

درزه، ترک و تخلخل از جمله پدیده­های متداول در سنگ­ها هستند که به شدت رفتار فیزیکی و مکانیکی محیط­های سنگی را کنترل می­کنند. درک صحیح از رفتـار این محیط­ها به عنوان پیکره حفریات زیرسطحی و شالـوده سازه­های سطحی از اهمیت ویژه­ای در علوم مهندسی برخوردار است. در واقع، تنش برجای سنگ در هنگام آزاد شدن در نوک و گوشـه­های تیز این ناپیوستگی‌ها متمرکز شده و با غلبه بر مقاومت سنگ به صورت ریزترک­هایی بروز پیدا می­کنند. در ادامه، این ریزترک­ها به طور پیوستــه رشد کرده و با پیوستن به یکدیگر صفحه شکستگی را تشکیـل داده که در نهایت موجب شکست و گسیختگی سنگ می­شود. در علم مکانیک سنگ، سازوکار پدیده شکست سنگ با اهداف مختلفی از جمله تونل­سازی، آتشباری، شکست هیدرولیکی، مکانیک زلزله، پایداری شیب و غیره چه به صورت تحلیلی و چه به صورت عددی مطالعه شده است[1-3].

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