Fundamentals of the Probability Plot Modeling for Gravity Anomaly Separation in Compare with the Common Methods

Document Type : Research Article



The gravity anomalies include gravity effects of underground structures and ore bodies, which have different densities and located in different depths. Anomaly separation methods such as trend analysis, filtering and analytical continuations, discriminate and separate the residual data from the regional components and reveal the position of the underground structures and ore bodies in the study area. Although there were some improvements in anomaly separation methods in the past decades, but there are in doubts in the determination of the anomaly boundaries. On the other hand, the removed regional anomalies still contain the effects of the residual values, which are anomaly values in reality. Modeling of raw data on probability plots is a method for determination of regional and residual trends (different sub- populations) and the exact threshold value for each effect or component (or sub-population). In this method, the data shows the boundaries of different components (regional and residual). The basic theory of probability plots modeling have been compared with the common gravity anomaly separation methods in this paper. 


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