Optimization of Trench Dimensions to Reduce Blast-Induced Ground Vibration in Gol-Gohar Sirjan Mine Using Numerical Modeling

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mining and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, ,University of Gonabad

2 Department of Industrial engineering, Islamic Azad University, Kish,, Iran

3 Head of Mining and Geology Research, Research and Technology Management, Golgohar Sirjan Mine



Ground vibration is one of the destructive effects associated with blasting operation, which can cause damage to the surrounding environment and adjacent structures. In Golgohar Sirjan Mine, due to surface expansion, the distance between structures and blasting blocks has decreased, leading to vibrations reaching the processing plant complex. These vibrations, triggered by sensors installed on the structures, result in circuit interruptions and increase production costs. One solution to reduce waves reaching the processing plant complex is to dig trenches along the wave path. By creating conditions similar to a free surface and wave reflection, these trenches reduce the energy transmission of the wave and can prevent unnecessary circuit interruptions due to increased vibration amplitudes. In this study, using the UDEC software, first the results of a field blasting operation are validated, and based on the model's credibility, the effect of trench excavation on blast wave propagation is analyzed. Ultimately, the optimal dimensions of the trench, which allow for maximum energy absorption, are determined. According to the numerical analysis results, the excavated trench on each side of the structure should be more than 2 meters wider and at distances greater than 3 meters from the structure. This is while the thickness (width of the trench) has had a considerable impact on wave attenuation. This trench can reflect approximately 60% of the explosion waves. These results have been validated by excavating a trench on the periphery of the mine, and its effectiveness has been demonstrated in practice by a field experiment of blasting operation.


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